Classic Club Listings

Using these Club listings
To view the Club details, click the little "Plus" sign to expand the listing.
One make Clubs are listed first, in Alphabetical make order - NOT club name order.
Then mixed clubs are listed, followed by those clubs that are for multiple but specific makes.
If you are an administrator for one of the clubs listed, and wish to update the details, please email me!
AC Clubs
AC Owners Club
The ACOC exists to promote the preservation and enjoyment of all the different models built by the AC company from 1903.
There are informal monthly members meetings in various regions and parts which are otherwise no longer available are supplied and remanufactured.
Website: | |
Contacts: | General Enquiries Eric Gates, 8 Nether Way, Upper Poppleton, York, YO26 6JQ Telephone: 01904 793563 Membership Enquiries Tony Morpeth, Thatch End, Godmanstone, DT2 7AQ |
AJS Clubs
AJS and Matchless Owners Club Limited
The AJS & Matchless Owners Club Limited caters for individuals and families who have an interest in either AJS or Matchless motorcycles.
The club produces its own monthly magazine (called Jampot) that is distributed to over 3,600 members worldwide as well as having its own spares scheme to assist owners in keeping their machines in top working order.
Website: | |
Address: | AJS & Matchless Owners Club Ltd Unit 3 Robinson Way Telford Way Ind. Estate Kettering Northamptonshire |
Alfa-Romeo Clubs
Alfa Romeo Owners Club
The Alfa Romeo Owners Club (AROC) Ltd. was formed in 1964 when Alfa Romeo cars had started to become more numerous in the UK. Since then, the popularity of the marque has increased and Club membership has grown to approximately 4000. The majority of our members live in the British Isles, but we do cater for overseas subscribers.
AROC's management team co-ordinate the activities of some thirty local or "area" sections spread throughout the UK and a technical support network of "model" registers, each dedicated to a particular type or model of car. The committee's events team is responsible for organising our flagship national events, such as National Alfa Day, as well as an official presence at classic car shows whilst the motorsports section organise track days, a racing programme and the AROC Victor Ludorum Championship.
The Club maintain close ties with Alfa Romeo (GB) and the dealer network but remain entirely independent. We are also in regular contact with Alfa Romeo Owners Clubs all over the world, exchanging magazines, encouraging our members to visit overseas events and welcoming visitors from abroad.
Email: | manager * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | Membership Alfa Romeo Owners Club Ltd FREEPOST RLZL-BXUU-JBGA PO BOX 9471 Lavenham SUDBURY CO10 9WW Tel : 01787 249285 |
Allard Clubs
Allard Owners Club
The Club was founded in 1951 by Sydney Allard. Its object is ‘the furtherance of social and sporting activities in the interest of motoring and in the Allard marque in particular’. You don’t have to own an Allard to join – you just need to have an interest in them.
Email: | info * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | President: Josh Sadler Little High Meadow, Lower Tadmarton, Banbury ,Oxon , OX15 5TA, UK. Tel: 0044 (0)1295 780700 Mob: 0044 (0)7711 331 911 |
Alvis Clubs
Alvis Owner Club
The Alvis Owner Club is the premier club for all Alvis car and military vehicle enthusiasts.
The Alvis Owner Club caters for all Alvis car and military vehicle owners and enthusiasts. It is a very active club, running a variety of social and gently competitive events all over the UK, and some overseas. Members are to be found around the world.
Email: | gensec * |
Website: | |
The Alvis Register
for owners, prospective owners and all with an interest in one of the very best of all vintage sporting cars - The Alvis.
Vintage Alvis cars are eminently usable on modern roads, and the Register provides outstanding support to today's fortunate owners. For our members, this website will help you to derive maximum benefit from the services the Register offers.
Website: | |
Amil Clubs
The Amil car Registerr
The Register was formed in 1955 by a group of Amilcaristes at the Silverstone race meeting. The first register of names listed 29 some with more than one car and most cars are still with us, as are some of the original members.
The main aim of the Register is to ensure the continuation of the cars and assist with maintenance and spares.
Email: | len.battyll * |
Website: | |
Amphicar Clubs
The International Amphicar Owners Club
The IAOC is truly an international club, but with some emphasis on the US. There are members from several countries and all walks of life.
Email: | iaocprez * |
Website: | |
Armstrong Siddeley Clubs
The Armstrong Siddeley Owners Club
ASOC exists to help members maintain and preserve their cars, but membership is open to all; you do not have to own an Armstrong Siddeley.
The Club operates a comprehensive spares service from well-stocked stores and has a growing library, including much original factory information and drawings.
A monthly magazine keeps members in touch with club events, including a busy social calendar, and contains many technical articles and news of spares.
Email: | memsec * |
Website: | |
Address: | ASOC Limited Conkwell Farm Winsley Bradford on Avon Wiltshire |
Bitter Clubs
The Bitter Owners Club
The Bitter Owners Club was initially founded in 1988 to represent the interests of owners and enthusiasts of the 33 cars in the U.K. It was soon expanded to meet the needs of Bitter enthusiasts worldwide. Currently the Club has over 50 members in 5 countries.
"Best Bitter", the Club magazine, is at the heart of the Club. It is published quarterly and normally has between 32 and 40 pages.
Email: | info * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | Treasurer and Membership Secretary: Bob Michael 6 Swanston Field, Whitchurch on Thames, RG8 7HP |
Bond Clubs
The Bond Owners' Club
The Owners club, established in 1951, brings together all vehicles bearing the Bond name.
Email: | bondownersclub * |
Website: | |
Borgward Clubs
The United Kingdom Borgward Drivers Club
The club was founded in 1980 by Robert Richmond-Jones and there are now in excess of 100 members. The Club's aim is to promote enthusiasm for, and interest in, Borgward, Hansa, Lloyd and Goliath vehicles, which, despite their excellence, have had only sporadic coverage by the motoring press.
The Club provides assistance with the acquisition, maintenance or restoration of as many vehicles as possible.
Email: | robwen * |
Website: | |
DAF Clubs
DAF Owners Club
Established in 1980, we are the UK's leading source of advice and information about DAF cars.
All DAF cars featured the unique Variomatic transmission - the world's first mass produced continuously variable transmission, which was launched in 1958, and continued in production in models such as the DAF 600. 750, Daffodil, 31, 32, 33, 44, 46, 55, 66 and Volvo 66 and 340 up to 1992.
The club is open to anyone whether they own a DAF or not. Our interest is to promote and preserve these now rare cars.
Website: | |
Address: | DAF Owners Club 56 Ridgedale Road Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire |
Datsun Clubs
Datsun Owners Club UK
Website: | |
Address: | 150 Beta Road Farnborough Hampshire |
DKW Clubs
DKW Owners Club G.B.
Our Club was founded in 1951 to cater for owners of pre-war twin cylinder DKWs which were then still in active use. The Club is now open to all owners of, or those with an interest in, DKW or Auto Union two stroke engined cars, vans, cross country vehicles, DKW motor- cycles or DKW engined ‘specials’.
The objectives of the club are to help with spare parts and technical advice so as to keep as many examples of DKW vehicles as possible in good running order, to encourage the restoration of vehicles to a high standard and to hold regular meetings where the owners of DKW vehicles can meet each other and to promote the social activities of the Club.
In addition the Club is adopting the policy of encouraging members to take part in Classic Car and Motorcycle shows, to do everything possible to promote the name DKW and to bring the uniqueness of our vehicles to the notice of the public. New members are asked if they would be prepared to enter their vehicles in any such event(s).
The Club possesses workshop manuals and spare parts lists for DKW cars.
It is important to note that they are only available to members the Club.
In addition to officers of the Club, there are Area representatives, Motorcycle, Munga,
3 cylinder and twin cylinder representatives able to give specialist advice on these vehicles, and a Club Historian/Archivist.
Email: | dkw06 * |
Website: | |
Dutton Clubs
Dutton Owners Club
We're a club for Dutton owners, anyone interested in getting a Dutton, or anyone generally interested in kit cars. We're a fun bunch of like-minded folks with advice, support and experience aplenty.
Email: | webmaster * |
Website: | |
Elva Clubs
Elva Owners Club
The ELVA Owners Club was founded by Roger A. Dunbar in 1979 with the help and support of Frank G. Nichols, the founder of Elva Cars.
The Club acts as a focal point for help and information regarding the various racing and sports racing cars built by Elva Cars from 1955 through to the late sixties. This includes the various Formula Juniors, and the Courier models built by Elva at Bexhill and Hastings together with the later cars built by Trojan Limited after 1961.
Website: | |
Facel Vega Clubs
The Facel Vega Car Club U.K
The FVCC was formed in 1977 under the name "Facel Vega Owners Club" by a few enthusiasts, and some of the founder members are still with the club today.
The aims of the club are to share the fun of classic cars, with the underlying serious purpose of preserving an historically significant vehicle of which only a small number remain. A register of cars which continue to exist is also maintained and members are asked to report sightings of this endangered species to the club historian - there are still a few "missing" cars to be located.
Email: | enquiries * |
Website: | |
Fairthorpe Clubs
The Fairthorpe Sports Car Club
The Fairthorpe Sports Car Club was formed in 1960 by vice president's Barry Gibbs and John Allan to support owners and enthusiasts of Fairthorpe Cars. Over the years other makes have joined the Club , all small production manufacturers and mainly fibreglass bodied cars from the 1950's and 1960's, These include Turner Tornado Rochdale Ashley Falcon Edwards Brothers (EB) and other Historic Specials.
Whilst UK based, The Fairthorpe Sports Car Club has members with cars throughout the world. The Club is supported by Marque Registrars who supply technical advice for their particular make of vehicle to members , and we Publish a lively and Informative newsletter 11 months of the year which includes the latest news on each Marque Of Car , a sales and wants section, and news of Forthcoming Events
The Fairthorpe Sports Car Club also arranges various club events in the UK , The highlight of the year is the Historic Specials Day each August which is held at the Cotswold Wildlife Park. Other events include local natter and noggin meetings, Marque only car rallies and a club stand at national classic car show events.
Email: | anna9.fscc * |
Website: | |
Address: | FSCC 9 Lynhurst Crescent Hillingdon Middx England |
Ford Clubs
Model T Ford Register of Great Britain
We are dedicated to providing our members with rallies, new and used spares supplies, technical advice, historical research and social events involving Model T Fords.
Email: | info * |
Website: | |
AVO Owners Club
The Ford A.V.O Owners Club was formed at the end of 1980 with the objective of bringing together owners of the special range of vehicles produced from 1968 to 1975 by Ford Motor Company’s "Advanced Vehicle Operations" (A.V.O).
Email: | chairman * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | Chairman - Alan Grainge Tel: +44 (0)1869 321141 |
Ford Classic & Capri Owners Club
The FCCOC is for owners and fans of the Ford Consul Classic & Consul Capri models which were manufactured from 1961 until 1964. Also known as the 109e or 116e (right-hand drive) and 110e or 117e (left-hand).
Models include the Consul 315 (known as the Consul Classic on the domestic market), which came in 2-door and 4-door variants, standard and deluxe, 1340cc and 1498cc:
Email: | membership * |
Website: | |
Ford Anglia 105E Owners Club
A worldwide organisation established in 1982. The Club caters for all Standard and Modified Ford Anglia 105E, 106E, 123E, 124E, 307E, 309E’s and the Ford Prefect 107E. We offer new and re-manufactured Spares, Club Insurance for Members Vehicles at Shows, Mechandise, a Collectable Membership Card, a Bi-Monthly Magazine and our National Day / AGM.
The Club House is the place to come and catch up on all the latest news, play some games or just chill out and chat in the Forum. Please feel free to email us anything Anglia related that you believe other members will be interested in.
Email: | paddi * |
Website: | |
Mk1 Cortina Club
The MK1 Cortina owners club was established in 1982, and has members quite literally worldwide. Recognised by the Ford Motor Company & the DVLA, the club welcome's all Mk1's from standard models to Customised, including rally and racing cars. We have Club stands at many Classic Car Shows and members are always welcome to join us. There are a number of 'pub Meets' held around the country which provide the ideal opportunity to swop stories, discuss car know how and exchange spares.
All elements of the MK1 Cortina O.C. are run entirely by volunteers in our spares time, we are not a business and employ no full-time staff.
Website: | |
The Transit Van Club
Email: | peter * |
Website: | |
The Ford Grenada 1-2-3-4 Club
The club has evolved from just the Mk 1, 2 and 3 models to include the Mk4 (Ultima).
The aim of the club is to generate a following of like minded Ford Granada owners and enthusiasts who appreciate these modern classic vehicles and keep them alive and running on the roads of the United Kingdom and beyond.
Website: | |
Granada and Scorpio Online
Granada and Scorpio Online (GSO) is the biggest and friendliest resource for people who are enthusiastic about their Ford Consul, Granada or Scorpio.
We have over 4500 members from all over the world.
Website: | |
Gilbern Clubs
The Gilbern Owners Club
The Gilbern Owners' Club Ltd. founded in 1979 keeps the name of the marque alive having currently 450 members. The club has a number of local groups which meet regularly for chats and to organize visits, dinner, treasure hunts etc. The National committee arrange the main events of the Club's calendar including the annual Gilbern National Day. The committee also co-ordinate the other activities of the club which include spares information and supply of (parts for all cars currently available), motor sport and publications including a monthly newsletter and annual magazine.
Website: | |
Address: | Gilbern Owners Club Ltd 15 Southbank Road Kenilworth Warwickshire |
Ginetta Clubs
The Ginetta Owner's Club
We are a friendly bunch of enthusiasts who encourage anyone with an interest in the marque to join.
Membership of the club enables access to one of the most lively forums on the internet where all aspects of ownership can be found, from technical discussions and advice, events and meetings, club regalia to fly the Ginetta flag, through to irrelevant interests it's all catered for.
The Club is run by a Committee of true Ginetta enthusiasts whose aim is to preserve and further the Ginetta marque, we invite you to join us today!
Website: | |
Morris Clubs
The Bullnose Morris Club
The Bullnose was the car that displaced the Model-T as the best selling car in Britain. W.R.Morris, later to become Lord Nuffield, adopted the Ford policy of reducing prices to increase sales and obtain the cost benefits of quantity production.
Email: | mlclmmckay * |
Website: | |
Renault Clubs
Club Alpine Renault
for owners and enthusiasts of the following Alpine Cars:
A106, A108, A110, A310 R5 Turbo, GTA, A610 and all sporting vehicles built in Dieppe or under licence.
We always welcome new members, you don’t have to own an Alpine, just share Our passion for these incredible cars with pure thoroughbred history.
Alpine was a French manufacturer of racing and sports cars which used rear mounted Renault engines.
Jean Redele, the founder of Alpine, was originally a Dieppe garage proprietor who began to achieve considerable competition success in one of the few French cars produced just after World War 2. The proper pronunciation is closer to "al-peen". ... AND SO OUR PASSION BEGINS!
Email: | info * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | Membership Secretary P. C. Whitehouse 1 Bloomfield Close Wombourne Wolverhampton WV5 8HQ |
Renault Vel Satis Clubs
Original UK Renault Vel Satis Owners Club
A club, website and forum dedicated to the ‘modern classic’ the Renault Vel Satis, run by Vel Satis owners, for Vel Satis owners, with annual meetings and a vehicle register to keep track of the UK’s Vel Satis population.
Email: | team * |
Website: | |
Yugo/Zastava Clubs
Zastava and Yugo Owners Club
A club for enthusiasts of all UK versions of Zastava and Yugo cars. This means all cars imported by Zastava Cars (GB) Ltd, between 1981 and 1992.
All variants of Yugo 3, 5 and 45 series including Zastava branded ZL's are catered for. All other owners or enthusiasts are welcome to join, but the club mainly concentrates on those cars officially made for the UK market.
The club is run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts.
Email: | philgdust * |
Website: | |
General and Mixed Clubs
Airedale & Pennine Motor Car Club
The Airedale & Pennine Motor Car Club has its roots in the merger between two local clubs, The Airedale Pirates and The Bradford Bandits. This took place almost sixty years ago and our club records show a consistent interest in competitive motor sport, particularly rallying.
We meet each month, if the competition calendar allows us time to get together, at the Rock and Heifer Inn, Allerton BD13 3RH. These Monday evenings are very social times when plans are discussed for future competition entries, arrangements made for travel to events and past glories are re-lived.
We welcome new members any time, just check the calendar for the meetings schedule and turn up around 8.30pm.
Website: | |
Amber Valley Classic Car Club
We are a friendly club based in Notts and Derbyshire and our interests are Classic Cars and, above all, Fun!
Club meetings are held monthly, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month starting at 8 pm.
Email: | webmaster * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | Keith Tansey 01773 608680 |
The Association of Old Vehicle Clubs in Northern Ireland
The Association of Old Vehicle Clubs in N.I. was formed in 1973.
The first event organised was the Belfast to Portrush Run which was an outstanding success with 70 pre-1939 vehicles taking part. Following on from this success was the Kirker Cavalcade in 1975 later renamed The Apple Blossom Run. In 1978 a third run was added known as The Mourne Run.
Our role today in addition to continuing to organise the Spring, Summer and Autumn Runs each year is to give help and practical support and assistance to the member clubs to promote and run their own events many of which contribute to local charities.
Website: | |
Address: | 38 Ballymaconnell Road Bangor Co. Down |
Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs
The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs was established at a public meeting held at the Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall on 23 July 1988, but its roots go back to the time more than 30 years earlier.
Email: | secretary * |
Website: | |
Address: | Stonewold Berrick Salome Wallingford Oxfordshire |
North Devon Sports and Classic Car Club
The North Devon Sports & Classic Car Club was founded in 1985 and has a membership of proximately 140.
We are a very active and friendly organization and hold monthly meetings throughout the year.
Our member's cars range from a couple of 1920s Rolls Royce to the latest XF Jaguar and during the year there are plenty of local events and runs where members cars are driven and displayed.
For those who wish to come along we meet the first Sunday in the month for lunch and a chat at an allocated venue.
If you are not already a member why not come along to this or one of our many other events and see for yourself what a nice lot we are!
Email: | claudine * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | President Len Jones 2 Alms House Ford and Fairy Cross Bideford Devon EX39 5BU |
The Traditional Car Club of Doncaster
The Traditional Car Club of Doncaster is dedicated to the maintenance, restoration and use of classic cars from all marques.
We meet fortnightly on Wednesday evenings at Owston Hall, Doncaster throughout the year.
Our meetings are always a good chance to meet up with other like minded enthusiasts, to chat, share experiences, and have a noggin and natter in pleasant surroundings
Email: | scareysam * |
Website: | |
Yorkshire Historic Car Club
The Yorkshire Historic Car Club was started in the 1970s so that owners of what have become known as "Historic Vehicles" could meet and compare their cars.
It was not long before these meetings grew into the organizing of runs and events and even trips away to the continent for the members amusement.
An annual rally was held by the club at the "Piece Halll" in Haliifax" West Yorks. This grew in popularity and went on to become the "Hebden Bridge vintage weekend" and is still held on the first Saturday and Sunday in August each year, although it is now run by the Rotary Club of Hebden Bridge
Members drive a variety of different makes of car, from Veterans to early Classics.
Website: | |
Yeovil Car Club
Yeovil Car Club caters for any enthusiast with an interest in old cars or more modern classic cars.
We are a friendly club, with a full calendar of events ranging from car runs to attending car shows and Natter and Noggins.
In addition, for the rally enthusiast, members of our Motorsport Radio Link are regularly out, supportinglocal competetive events.
Members receive the monthly magazine, Tyresqueals.
Email: | info * |
Website: | |
Wirral Classic Car Club
Wirral Classic Car Club caters for enthusiasts’ of older vehicles and offers a wide range of events, shows, meetings and social runs.
There is a monthly Club Night in a private room at the British Legion, Pensby Road Heswall, Wirral on the last Wednesday of the month from around 8 p.m. and a bi-monthly colour magazine is distributed free to all members with details of events, technical and legal articles, as well as diverse contributions from members.
A monthly E-mailed Newsletter is also available to members.
The Club is recognised by the RAC Motor Sports Association (MSA) and is a member of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC).
Email: | wirralclassiccarclub * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | Blair Percival, Chairman Wirral Classic Car Club 9 Madeley Drive, West Kirby, Wirral. CH48 3LB |
Boston Classic Car Club
Club meetings every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 8 pm
Graves Park Social Club
PE20 1LR
Email: | trisnichols * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | Dave Seaton Tel:01205 366553 |
Austin, Morris, MG, Riley, Wolseley, Di Tella Clubs
The Cambridge-Oxford Owners Club
The Cambridge-Oxford Owners Club is over 30 years old and is still the largest International Club catering for all BMC 4 and 6 Cylinder Farinas and Pre-Farina Austins - and also one of the cheapest too with Membership at £20 per year!
The condition of your car is irrelevent. The Cambridge-Oxford Owners Club welcomes all owners regardless of how 'good' or 'bad' their car is - and all are equally welcome at our rallies and shows.
We have a fantastic high quality, large format, quarterly Newsletter, great exclusive discount deals with Farina suppliers, technical help, special discount on 1/43 scale Farina models, up to 50% off Classic Car Insurance (including European cover) and much, much more.
Email: | enquiries * |
Website: | |
Contacts: | The Club Telephone Hotline is: 07966 249 506 |
Makes: | Austin, Morris, MG, Riley, Wolseley, Di Tella |
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