Information pages
We have created these pages to offer you more information to help you with all your classic car needs.
Over time these will be updated and developed - it's early days yet!
Fine weather for the Earls Barton Festival of Transport.
There was fine weather for all three days of the Earls Barton Festival of Transport, now in it's third year.

The Earls Barton Festival now 'incorperates' the Earls Barton Fire and Rescue Show, and it's certainly true that there was a good collection of fire engines on display, both vintage and modern. My particular favourite is the 1950's "Green Goddess" Military Fire Engines, which I still remember giving good service during a Fire Service strike many years ago.

The number of Classic cars was relatively small - less then 100 when I was there, complemented by a number of vintage Motorbikes. There was real quality though, with a Glorious 1935 Triumph Gloria, and a lovely Austin Sheerline 125.
The show was not as busy as might have been expected given the fine weather, which at least meant that there was no queuing for food and drink. The Bank Holiday weekend is a competitive time for shows, so perhaps some potential exhibitors and visitors had gone further afield.
Posted by Admin in News

The new "Info-Box" layout us designed to clearly display in an "at-a-glance" format all the information you need. So much easier then reading through lots of text or poorly formatted data!
It quickly answers the "What? When? Where?" to help you decide if an event might be of interest to you. The Location and day(s) and date(s) of the event are instantly apparent, as are the main features of the facilities available.
Clicking the event name takes you to the full details for that event, also providing a location map and a route planner, to help you plan your day.
In addition, the new "+Fav" button allows you to add an event to your personal list of "favourites"
"Favourites" allows you to store events of interest to you, so you can refer to them later. This makes it easy to generate a personal shortlist of interesting events!
To add an event to your "Favourites", just click the "+Fav" button on the info-box or event listing.

Once an item is in your "Favourites" list, a new menu item "Favourites" will appear at the top right of the page.
This menu lists your favourites, and clicking on an item takes you to the details page for that event. It also allows you to delete an item by clicking the "cross" symbol.
Clicking on the "Favourites" link will take you to a "My Favourites" page, listing all your saved favourites on one handy page!

So that you know when looking through the event listings that an event is already in your favourites, the "+Fav" button will change colour, and become the "-Fav" button. This can also be used to delete the event from your favourites.
Note: Favourites are stored in Cookies on your computer, and can store 20+ events.
Using cookies on your computer to store the information means that you do not have to register, and that they are instantly available.
As they are stored on the computer you are using, they will not be accessible on other computers that you might use. Also note that they will not work if cookies (or Javascript) are disabled.

The Calendar appears at the top of each months event listings, and allows you instantly to select days of interest during the month. No longer do you have to look down the whole list to see what´s on when you´ve got days free!
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Recent Blog Posts
Fine weather for the Earls Barton Festival of Transport.
There was fine weather for all three days of the Earls Barton Festival of Transport, now in it's third year.
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