Bearwood Car and Motorcycle Show
Following the success of last years BEARWOOD event and again set in the magnificent grounds of Bearwood College, Wokingham, the Bearwood Parents' Association are in the process of organising this years Bearwood College Car and Motorcycle Show (BCCMS).
As in the past 3 shows the B.C.C.M.S. Committee is keen to attract all forms of interesting vehicles, so as well as an eclectic mix of over 200 display cars last year, we also had in excess of 30 motorcycles and a vintage coach and truck
If you are interested in attending the event this year, can you click on the registration link below that will take you to the event's new website
and add your vehicle details, ideally by the 15th April 2013, so that the organisers can send you a Show Pass and more details nearer the time.
Event Features
We make every effort to ensure the quality and accuracy of our listings, but please check with the organiser before travelling!
Event Location Map
Event Address
Bearwood College
RG41 5BG

Show date
Saturday 18th May 2013