Ingleton Village Fayre and Classic Vehicle Show
As part of Ingleton Village Fayre I organise a classic & vintage vehilce show as one of the attractions. At the 2012 event,despite the poor weather, we had approximately 100 vehicles on show. From the 1910s to the 1980s.
Once again I am inviting owners of classic & vintage vehicles ie cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles and military vehicles to come along and join in the fun. Once again we will be judging one overall 'best vehicle' and awarding a prize.
The fayre itself runs from approx 1.30pm to 4.30pm but we would like classic vehicles to arrive between 11:30 am and 1.30 pm if possible. The fayre is held on the village cricket/playing field which is accessed from Gainford road. See link to location map.
Ingleton Village Fayre is a small traditional village fayre with attractions that normally include a band, childrens games, plant stall, autojumble, book stall and crafts. At this point we do not have a final list of attractions so I will update this page as things are confirmed. Also very reasonably priced refreshments provided by the local WI are available in the village hall (toilet facilities also in the hall). Proceeds from the event go towards village hall funds.
Please either contact me by phone, email or via the online form to let me know that you wish to attend. Details on 'Contact us' page. I do not issue passes but do need to know numbers attending to ensure space is available.
Event Features
Opening Times
1:30pm to 4:30pm
Please Note:
We do not organise events - we provide an events listing service.
We make every effort to ensure the quality and accuracy of our listings, but please check with the organiser before travelling!
Contact details are listed below
Event Location Map
Event Address
Ingleton playing field
County Durham

Location description
Playing/Cricket field
Organiser and Contact
Neil FlowersStartforth House
County Durham
Show date
Saturday 8th June 2013