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Page 6 (images 121 to 144) of 688 Image Results

A 1973 MGB GT, rear 3 qtr view

An Early MGB GT from about 1968

A Mini `95` Pick-up

Another special edition - the 35th Aniversary Mini

A 1980 Mini 1000

A 1980 Mini 1000

A 1980 Mini 1000

A 1964 Austin Cooper S

Mini City Automatic

A 1964 Austin Cooper S

Another special edition - the Mini `City`. This one is also automatic.

1995 Mini `Mayfair`

A 1995 Mini `Mayfair`, one of many special editions that kept the Mini popular towards the end

A 1979 Mini Van

A Morris, Eight, Series E, Convertible

A Morris Eight Series E Convertible

Chrysler Avenger (soon to become Talbot)

Chrysler Avenger (soon to become Talbot)

A 1966 Hillman Minx VI

A 1966 Hillman Minx VI

1960 Humber Hawk

Humber `Hawk` Brightwork

1967 Humber Sceptre

1960 Humber Hawk