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Page 7 (images 145 to 168) of 688 Image Results

1967 Humber Sceptre

Ford Consul 375

Ford Consul 375

Ford Consul 375

A Ford Consul 375 Delux

A 1960 Ford Consul Delux

A Ford Cortina Mark V, in 1600GL guise

A 1960 Ford Consul Delux, rear view

A Mark IV Ford Cortina 2 litre in Ghia trim, rear view

A Mark IV Ford Cortina 2 litre in Ghia trim

A 1974 Ford Cortina 1300L Mk III

A Ford Escort Mark 2 Saloon, rear view

A Ford Escort Mark 1 Saloon

A Ford Escort Mark 2 Saloon

Morris Oxford VI

Austin Cambridge A60

Austin Cambridge A60

A pair of Austin Cambridge A60's

Austin Cambridge A55 Mark II, rear view

Austin Cambridge A55 Mark II

Rare MG Magnette Estate

1966 MG Magnette Mark IV

Rare MG Magnette Estate

Morris Oxford VI