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Page 18 (images 409 to 432) of 688 Image Results

Granada Estate at Newton Longville Festival of Transport, 2006

Granada 3.0 Coupe side view

Granada 3.0 Coupe rear 3qtr view

A Granada 3.0 Coupe, front 3qtr view

A Datsun 240Z at Newton Longville, 2006

1973 Datsun 240Z front 3qtr view

1973 Datsun 240Z rear view

Helicopter rides at Newton Longville. This Bell 206B JetRanger ll was built in 1980, and is fitted with a ALLISON 250-C20B Engine.

Helicopter rides at Newton Longville. This Bell 206B JetRanger ll was built in 1980, and is fitted with a ALLISON 250-C20B Engine.

A Bell 206B JetRanger II at the Newton Longville Festival of Transport

Front view of the Austin 1800 Mark 1

Front view of the Ford Anglia

Rear 3qtr view of a Mark 1 Austin 1800

Ford Anglia interior is pretty basic

Ford Anglia at the Newton Longville Festival of Transport

Once a common sight, a 1969 ERF 54G Lorry

A 1947 Rover 12 Sports Saloon

A 1966 Wolseley 6/110

A 1969 Volkswagon Variant at Rushden Cavalcade

A 1956 Limited Edition Vauxhall, rear view

A 1956 Limited Edition Vauxhall

A 1974 Ford Granada 3 litre Ghia Coupe

A very rare 1962 Citroen Bijou at the Rushden Cavalcade. Based on a 2CV chassis.

A 1939 Chevrolet Master 6