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Page 8 (images 169 to 192) of 688 Image Results

Morris Oxford VI

A Morris Oxford VI Estate, rear view. Note that the rear lights were retained from the earlier Austin A55 model.

A 1968 Morris Oxford VI

A 1963 Morris Oxford VI

1968 Farina styled Morris Oxford VI, side view

Riley 4/72 rear view

Riley Four Seventy Two (4/72) syled by Farina

1966 Wolseley 16/60

Austin Westminster A95 Six

Farina styled Wolseley 16/60

A 1992 Austin Maestro

A 1979 Princess 2 2200 HLS

Austin Seven

Austin A95 Westminster Six

Two-Tone Austin Westminster Mark II from 1966

Two-Tone Austin Westminster Mark II from 1966, rear view

A rare Beardmore Mark 7 Taxi from 1960. Rubery Owen chassis, Weymann body. Ford Consul 1703cc engine.

A rare Beardmore Mark 7 Taxi from 1960. Rubery Owen chassis, Weymann body. Ford Consul 1703cc engine.

Farina Styled Austin Cambridge A60 Estate, rear view

Farina Styled Austin Cambridge A60 Estate

1956 Austin A30, rear view

1956 Austin A30, rear view

An Austin A40 1600

An Austin A40 1600, rear view