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Page 27 (images 625 to 648) of 688 Image Results

A fine Alfa Montreal at Bromley

1972 Austin Maxi at the Bromley Pageant 2005

Concours 1969 Auto Union at Bromley, 2005

1973 Alfa at Bromley, 2005

A 1987 Alfa Spyder at Bromley Pageant of Motoring, 2005

Alfa at Bromley Pageant of Motoring, 2005

Austrian Triumph Dolomite

Triumph 2000/2500/2�5 Register at Stoneleigh 2009

Pre-war Dolomite Roadster at Stoneleigh 2009

The Triumph Dolomite Club stand was busy.

Pre-war Triumph Dolomite Roadster looking fantastic - Stoneleigh 2009

Rare and beautiful Doretti Swallow at Stoneleigh, 2009

Standard Flying 12 from 1937 at Stoneleigh, 2009

Rare Standard Eight in fine condition

Nice Triumph 2500S at Stoneleigh 2009

Stoneleigh Clubs Hall, 2009

Immaculate white 1938 Triumph Dolomite.

Rare Atlas Panel Van at Stoneleigh 2009

Rare Atlas Panel Van at Stoneleigh 2009

Beautiful Doretti Swallow at Stoneleigh, 2009

Triumph Dolomite Club at Stoneleigh Triumph show, 2009

1951 Triumph Mayflower at the Triumph International show at Stoneleigh, 2009

Stoneleigh was popular this year - the queue stretched around the building!

Triumph autojumble and spares at Stoneleigh 2009